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Tuesday, June 10, 2014

My Final Animations Project

The goal of my final animation was to increase the awareness of teen pregnancy. We, me and my partner (Amber Elis) , was looking to reach out to people of the new generation. This project may come off to seem easy but it was really kind of difficult. In this animation you are working on many different frames believe it or not at the same time. Me and amber worked together so many things was easy to over come cause what I didn't understand she was able to explain and same for her. I more than proud of my animation results because through out the year i found myself working harder.There may be things that we can change or make better but we put a lot of time and hard work into our project so we hope our views enjoy.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Public awareness Animation

In my web design class we begin a new animation. This one was cooler then the others because we got to pick public awareness topics. I worked on this project for about two weeks and i founded it self explainable. I ran through a couple of difficulties but there was nothing I didn't get help or figure out on my own. If you click the link below you can view my Public Awareness Animation.


Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Stick Figure on moving Background

In web design we started a new form of animations. We begin to use Stick figures, moving faces and shapes, and backgrounds. This was a cool experience I had creating these animations.I would love for everyone to have the chance to create there own creations. We used flash as the tool to create our class animations. I loved these past few assignments in web design.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

WWM 3/13

In this market period of web design class we used WWM. Windows movie maker is a great site for pivot animations. WWM is an improved website to enhance your pivot animation. With this website you can add title slides, credit slides, and even music (more than one song). Its really cool and it isn't had to use. The WWM site is self explanatory and I would recommend this to anyone that found interest in the pivot animations.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

My First Pivot Animation

In my web design class we begin working on pivot animations. It was cool but pretty annoying having to move the figure around inch by inch. I would do it again and again because it was a cool experience.