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Thursday, September 26, 2013


September 26,2013

I learned this past week that blogs isn't only for media use. A Blog can be used for many different things. You can simply create a blog to make notes of your thoughts. Or just Recording Down your current thoughts. You can add so many gadgets to your blog making searches better for bloggers viewing your page. You Can Also update news letters and weather guides through your blog. Isn't that 
school. I created a podcast for the first time this past week and its a post where you can hear me speak instead of reading my thoughts. I had trouble uploading the podcast to my blog but i have had classmates and reading instructions to open a clearer view of what to do. I can use a blog for things other than school related. A Blog is used in every day lives and many people create one. Also this past week I've learned new vocabulary such as Netiquette.Netiquette is the proper way of using the internet. Such as knowing the boundaries of what you should and should not post 

Friday, September 20, 2013

Web Design ?

I don't know anything about designing a web site. i hope that in this class i can learn everything there is to know. i hope i would be-able to teach someone else what i have learned this year. I am looking forward to making my own web site for others to enjoy.


Netiquette is the correct way of talking on the Internet. 

Good netiquette is nice to have because sometimes the 

Internet can be deceiving. You have to know the right 

way to talk on the Internet because you may not be 

talking to the person who you think. You shouldn't 

share deep person thoughts and life stories across the 

Internet. Facebook,Twitter,Instagram etc. , social medias 

and a good place to have good Netiquette. 

Digital Footprint

A digital footprint is the trail of something one upload online.Even after you delete something you put on the internet it is still able to be traced. The importance of a digital footprint is so that the government can keep trace of things that was not supposed to happen, for instance if someone lied about posting a nude picture of some one (yes, that is a crime) there is always a way to find out the truth. I dont really know how to analyze my own digital footprint because i dont really post much on the web. 

Plagiarism & Academic Integrity

Plagiarism is taking someones work and acting like you 

have done it. Taking credit for something you have found 

on the internet stating its your own.  
Academic Integrity is being respectful and responsible 

when it involves school fair activities. 
You can go to jail for plagiarizing someones
 work. In school you may be suspended for taking 

someones work and most likely will fell the class.

What is a Blog ?

A blog is a web site or web page where people write 

their thoughts and personal thinking daily. I don't really 

know much but the definition. I've had a twitter account 

but after a while I stopped using it. I have about 59 

followers and I see people update their every move. 

Blogging can help us in this class because it can teach 

us many different ways to use the Internet and our 

google accounts.